2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


Sorry yes it’s obvious why this is prohibited. I meant I’m stunned that middle school kids are doing it. Gonna go yell at some clouds now.


At my kid’s high school there’s a vestibule at the entrance with a security guard controlling access to the inner door, so the Door Dash dropoff table is in there.

That’s some shit parenting lol. Give em a ham sandwich.

It’s fiscal gross negligence to not teach kids delivery services are a rip off if you don’t have a fifty percent off coupon.

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In my dorm, if you lived very far down the hall, you better go to the lobby to get your order. Otherwise it wouldn’t make it to you. At least back in the day it was cash on delivery so you didn’t lose anything other than not getting your pizza. The poachers had to pony up their own money.

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At my college, there was a nearby Thai place that sold a clamshell of just about every dish for $5, and free delivery to your door (our dorms had doors to the outside) on orders of $10 or more. I ate a whole lot of their phad khi mao, and I probably should have eaten more.

A nice NYT about a crossing guard’s obituary

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Pretty awesome, Mercedes here in Alabama scheduled their election for mid May, this is a good sign for that

Did all of the foreign auto brands build assembly plants in the south because they figured unions wouldn’t take root?

Probably partly that but partly lower prevailing wages, land costs, and tax deals with local governments as well

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Ok I just saw a personalized California license plate that was something like


I wish I had time to snap a picture. It was a white Lexus SUV. Props to whoever is crazy enough to do that to their car

Zero idea what that is suppose to mean, Obama liver?

I think it’s “lover” lol


Yup “Obama Lover” and then they had bumper stickers of an American flag and Obama/Biden campaign.

The ultimate educated upper middle class suburban mom voter. We found them.

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might be a throwback to the lyrics of City Bitch

And that’s ok!

[responding g to Mr Un]

The most surprising thing I’ve learned today is that this video has 500M views.


I’m surprised it’s not 5 billion. Undeniable jam and I hate disco.


It’s definitely the apex of something.

People sometimes do like best video under 1k or 10k views. I think most surprising over 500M would be interesting.