2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Well, my wife certainly believes that she responds to illness with strength, dignity, and a stiff upper lip, while I respond to the slightest sniffle by crawling under a blanket and whimpering for days at a time. So, at least in our household, that’s just an accepted truth.


Infant mortality is a fuzzier statistic than you might think. The USA and Canada generally count more extremely premature births (which have a much higher mortality) while other countries have requirements like 500g. That matters when you’re looking at things on a one in one thousand scale.

That’s not to handwaive away USA issues around pregnancy and health care, especially regarding black women and babies, just to point out that these numbers are more limited than what you might think

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I responded with the actual difference GJ was making a big deal about. Which is a very small difference.

Central Park is nominally public of course, however much of the maintenance of the park is borne by the Central Park Conservatory and that gives that group (rich people from uptown basically) quite a bit of leverage over park policy and use. Call it pseudo-public. Perhaps ironically this probably gives some insurance over that type of park development. At any rate, most other city parks are riven with highways and golf courses.

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I think this sentiment is expressed in 95% of married households, true or not

131 posts were merged into an existing topic: Is the economy good or bad, and what is the economy, and how much should a person care about it

His first stroke came in 2020 and he blamed it on stress after Trump. Hopefully, the third time’s the charm.



People don’t talk about this enough.





When the alkaline water craze starts to feel too basic.


TFW your water is only 11% hydrogen :(

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You got any of that heavy water?


Got any of that chubby rain?

That’s got 0% hydrogen!

My latest:

EDIT: My original headline didn’t have “ominously.” It was “Still Just Sitting There.” Don’t love the change, but it would have been better as “Found Just Sitting There Ominously…”


Hiyo chemistry humor.

Dihydrogen monoxide. Soluble in tap water at a million parts per million. Can cause death in mere minutes. Lurks everywhere in the environment.

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The meaning and implications of the sentence “Water is H2O” is something philosophers talk about a lot more than you probably would expect.

IMO water doesn’t have hydrogen, which is H or H2. If you put hydrogen in water it would float away and no longer be in the water (at STP). (Tbf, there are hydrogen ions (protons) in water, which determine it’s pH, but like 10^-7 for pH 7, and this is a dynamic equilibrium.)

I didn’t watch the whole video but the woman stuck me as someone who would believe anything, which is an alarmingly high portion of the population. (Hence Trump.)

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I’ve written a paper or two on whether water means H2O, it’s a fascinating topic.

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