2024 LC Thread - A New Year

There’s definitely a lot of cars on that bridge from the video I’ve seen. Holy fuck.

Yeah I saw a headline that said partially collapsed. Very much a “technically the truth” situation.

The main span and all the major supporting spans are long gone.


have that many people been to therapy to recognize it or did they just learn from tik tok?

Thanks Biden

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I started a dedicated thread, seems like an incident that will warrant one.

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Ah shit, the girl I’m dating loves this guy’s podcasts.

This particular brand of sophistry plays well on YouTube in longer formats. The podcast style hour-long interview lends itself well to the illusion that everything the guy says is serious science. Many of these people don’t have to go to therapy to develop a bullshit vocabulary of terms that one might hear in a therapy session.

It’s tough to know how much that actually means. Lots of his advice seems benign and good, like going outside for 10 minutes in the morning. Yeah, outdoor time is actually good, that’s pretty well understood. Mom’s have been telling their kids to go outside and play for my whole life. This guy just frames it all with a bunch of big words that make it sound like he has some deep insight that others don’t have.

Sounds like Jordan Peterson. “Clean your room, eat right, and get in shape.” Sounds good! And then…


I don’t understand these sorts of podcasts. How many hours of (generally not bs) “doing this will improve your life” material exists, let alone that one guy has insight on?

It’s not that hard. The part that takes work is developing the “skill” of the empty calorie banter between interviewer and interviewee. Once you do that you can fill the hours effortlessly. If you are just bullshitting then the content doesn’t really matter.

No way she knew he was a POS.

In other news, I guess Puff Daddy was running a mini-Epstein operation?


Going through the book now. In addition to a bunch of whereupons and one whilst, I also have a whence, a betwixt and a few lests. What other fun transition words am I missing?

Words like this are good to signal humor and/or tone changes.

I listened to one episode of his podcast as the material seemed interesting to me. Realized immediately he had all the signs of being a POS and never clicked on his feed again. Glad my read was accurate.


Good read. I haven’t actually watched one of his podcasts and only viewed clips where he gave very specific advice. I think I even vouched that he was giving good, science-based advice maybe over in the fitness thread. Even after this news comes out, it does seem like he’s compartmentalized much of his science-based content, but it begs the question about how much or to what degree he is honest in those claims.

Interesting that all of the longevity influencers are certified whackos. Huberman, Peter Attia, David Sinclair, Brian Johnson.

The funny thing is that they’re all middle aged men and so there’s no proof whatsoever that their longevity prescriptions will actually work. The people we should really be looking to for longevity advice are the healthy centenarians.

That said, there’s decent info to occasionally be gleaned from the podcasts of these people. Take what’s useful, discard & disregard the rest.

Why do you think Peter Attia is wacko? He seems pretty solidly grounded in science to me.

He gets guests who are literally at the top of their field, then asks them deep dive questions - sometimes spanning 2-3 2-hour episodes. I trust the experts he brings on more than any other source I’ve found.

He does get into some crazy extremes like fasting and restricted blood flow weight training. But he doesn’t really push that on his listeners

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This issue has been solved by actual doctors. Lol listening to any podcast bros.

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