2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

In b4 these idiots say it’s 4 down territory

If clock runs out during 3rd possession does everything restart with a new OT period?

Interesting. Seems like lots of defensive stops.

It’s probably like 60-40.

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With the field goal, maybe 65-70% in favor of SF?


So the Don Adams thing was he could not pronounce Foucault. He kept saying Voocault. The EP called him out and he said ‘what’s the difference between Voo and Voo?’. It was explained and he says, ‘ooooook’. And when he does the take he says, ‘Don’t blame me, blame Jean FOOOCO!’. We about died. Talk about not wanting to meet your heroes.

I’d say that, but it’s close to 50/50 if KC gets a field goal.

What are the odds on Kelce game winner + MVP? #rigged

Gotta say. I’m seeing the appeal,of this sport.


We used the take in the final show too

Offenses succeed at higher rates when they have no choice but to succeed. Sun Tzu “always leave your enemies an escape route” philosophy at work.

I don’t think Irs a jump ball restart . It’s played sudden death as a continuation of 1Q W A Ht break

Now that’s the real MVS

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You watched a bad game turn into a good game

solid call

Bring on more discount commercials!

It wasn’t a drop.

60 hard core knowledgeable football fans in hear and we are googling nfl rules in SBOT

9ers playing prevent :thinking: