2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

You can only make substantial contact within the first 5 yards of the line of scrimmage on a pass play.

If the first team scores a touchdown, the other team gets a possession to tie (and, therefore, extend) the game with a touchdown of its own. Everything else remains the same from the previous format.

I wasn’t aware of the change. Taking.the ball first is a massive leak, no?

Oh thanks for clarifying

Kittle out?

This is not 'Nam, there are rules here.


When tied, then team with 3rd possession wins on next score

Is Kittle in this game at all?

He’s watching it in back

Yeah if this were a shootout, maybe it’s different. Game like this, I’m taking the ball.

Well he converted that 4th and 3 that ended in a TD

2 catches, 4 yards.

Dak Prescott has no idea what just happened.

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Spatial awareness again

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its such a shame KC has no running game

edwards hellaire should apologize to the fanbase

I wonder if there’s a non kicker/punter who could convert a PAT.

makeup call

Man, thought for a second that hold wasn’t getting called.



That’s a catch