2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Did Temu spend a billion dollars for commercials in this Super Bowl?

Their D has been good all year. It’s why they are here.

Or did they hack a billionaire’s bitcoin to steal their money to put those commercials on



Wow CBS does a new show about murder. I am shocked.

Holy cow what a tackle.

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Beat: I haven’t watched an NFL game all year and don’t care who wins. (I was a Chargers fan and am still pissed about them moving to LA.)

Brag: a friend is running a $100 Superbowl squares and I won $500 on the first quarter (0-0).

Variance: not sure whether I should start caring about NFL again. Probably not.

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Why is my live feed 10 seconds behind you?

A Facebook friend posted: “Prince is still the best performance. I’ll be unalived on this hill. I said what I said. Not that I think this is a bad performance. Not at all! But Prince is the bar. I won’t lower it.”

“I said what I said”? NOBODY IS ARGUING WITH YOU!

Romo trying to appeal to Boomers [cut to studio analysts]

Now that’s an elite tweet

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Gotta love a sport where it’s ok to clothes line a dude but if you push his helmet it’s a major penalty.

Greenlaw and Deebo two of the biggest dawgs in the game and Bosa still walks among us.

Achilles for Greenlaw.

how is there no holding call

That bad Kelce spot on the first drive may have been the game.

Everyone was watching Mahomes

Need more of that. Niners have contained Mahomes running up until now.

My same thought