2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

His receivers are bailing him out. Goff not so much this half.

On the fumble the Niners had everyone within 7 yards of LOS. Clearly should have taken a shot.

problem is that he also gets talked about as an mvp… which lol.

On the bright side, all the KC haters should be somewhat pleased. SF is gonna require a lot more refball to get past than the Lions.

yeah no way Detroit could beat kc

Ford Field must be a mausoleum at this point. People are going to leave there as if they witnessed some sort of horrible crime being committed.


The notion of a “KC hater” actually hating them more than SF is absurd, and anyone who feels that way should stop letting themselves have thoughts or feelings or shelter.

They could, but SF will be a much tougher opponent.

Although I wanted the Lions to win, I find all of this more amusing.

Is SF really that hateable? They don’t really register on my hateometer. Then again, neither does KC really.


uhhh Bosa?

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That’s fair. I forgot about him.

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Is this the racist Bosa? (or maybe both are)


I have to concede that with Jim Harbaugh not around, they never seem quite as vile as they did during that generation. But yeah, CN beat me to the Bosa mention. He’s the most contemptible thing they’ve got these days.

It’s for sure the more racist one.

We already beat KC



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Houston would have been buried alive in flags if that hit was on Mahomes

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Tackling Deebo w/o wrapping up is like trying to knock a cat off its feet.

I don’t think anyone is suggesting that Detroit couldn’t beat KC. They’re frauds too. They’re all frauds.

Hmm. Perhaps it’s time to get prepared.

(I kid. This isn’t over yet.)