2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Alright pack it in

Detroit just has too many weapons and the play calling is dialed in.

It has the feeling of something written by a group of white people who’ve never met any middle class Black people.

Holy shit a third down stop

An actual correct taking of points!


I was very frightened that Campbell was going to get carried away there and go for it. Anyway, hugely successful drive even with just getting the three.

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Still going with this.

Oh my god its fucking happening

Lions can play prevent offense and still win.

49ers need to draft a QB earlllllly

Looooong way to go

my tv just told me oil is good

Fuck. Purdy getting away with that throw is deflating.

Purdy doesn’t have it

If Purdy was more than a system QB he would have stopped Lions’ running game.


Ruh roh


Kid rock is a joke. I honestly can’t tell if this is a serious post.

Too subtle?

now is the the time to bring Sam Darnold