2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Just a subtle little great play by the chiefs!

there was a guy on 2p2 that posted a pic and i remember thinking it was weird that over half of his face was above his eyebrows, its like that.


That’s blatant roughing

Sorry. That’s roughing.

You can’t go helmet to helmet with the QB

Maybe drafting and signing low IQ players is a bad idea.

Another dumb play. Ravens need to get a grip.

The Ravens seriously are shooting themselves in the foot and it’s so frustrating. KC doesn’t need or deserve that luck, stop being fucking idiots

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Suggs poured acid on his girlfriend, I believe with his kid there, complete piece of shit, Ray Lewis literally killed a guy. Trash franchise


It looks like he has 4 inches of padding in the top of his helmet.

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Chiefs have 28 plays for 61 yards this half. Ravens 18 for 123.

Reffinf has been fine…until those last two plays. Missed leg whip and trip which should have been a safety. Followed by missed PI.

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What are the Ravens doingggg

He could have ran for that easily.

Or just not get sacked. Just throw it away Jfc

Officiating is certainly not the reason the Ravens are losing. Nothing about this game makes it feel like the Ravens deserve better than the result they’re currently staring down.

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Now Lamar has all day and still can’t complete anything.

3rd and 1 pass lolol

They’ve contained Jackson’s running game.

Lol Ravens