2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

So glad to see the murderer leading the team out in 2024.

Can you imagine OJ leading the Bills onto the field?



Jesus christ

No Swiftcam? Get it together, CBS

Man what a throw/catch

Against one of the best safeties in the NFL

Need Lamar to not be a pumpkin today.

If that’s what you’re counting on, they’re cooked. Lions need to save us all.

That’s grounding

Lamar “what the fuck is throwing the ball away?” Jackson, everybody.

Just tackle him, 38. Why are you playing fucking slap hands with him?

They better have a good explanation for this shit… don’t think I’ve ever seen this.

This is such a perfect example of the way people can’t mentally process the risk calculation of 4th down calls.

If either of those failed, it’s all anybody is talking about for the entire next week. Now that they’ve succeeded, nobody will remember that either team even went for it on 4th down

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1 ref = 1 heart

Can you imagine a worse analogy?

rofl how did that not end up as a to

Jesus these stupid fucking circus tricks

Not really, a couple of murderers leading their former teams onto the field. What am I missing?


Can they call a hold please?

Gonna be curious for someome to do a ten years on study of how the prevalence of sports betting and all these commercials for it has affected people