2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

He switched to Blue Light later on which in the US was sold off from the Labatt portfolio in order for Budweiser to be bought out by Inbev.

Labatt Blue in the US is not owned by Labatt any more and for a while was actually brewed and sold by their rival Molson before going to a 3rd party.

That can looks like one of those airplane mini-sodas in his hand.

All set with two sons to go out for the NFCCG. May be my only chance.

Go Lions



Still can’t wrap my brain around that we are actually flying to SF to watch the Lions try to win their way to a Super Bowl.


Even if it’s a loss it’s a memorable trip. I went to the 94 NFCCG in San Francisco with my dad and brother. Cowboys lost that year, but still a favorite memory.

Good luck

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Chiefs already getting handed the good refball by the nfl.

Not buying the conspiracy but it is odd he can be such an outlier in terms of false starts. Seems like a pretty clear cut penalty so wtf? I’m skeptical

KC winning so Swift can get a Super Bowl ring, iykwim.

That’s all complete BS and just falls into the realm of normal statistical probability. He also reffed a bunch of games of really good away teams vs bad home teams this year.

theres like 95 different types of penalties pretty much every ref is going to have outliers if you pick the right category

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Went to the 88 Rose Bowl with my Dad and my 3 older brothers. Sparty won even.

I’m a year older than what my Dad was during that trip. That’s wild!

Bummer that son #2 can’t make it.

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I just want to tell you both good luck. We’re all counting on you.


Enjoy the bay area!

There are some great places to dry your tears after the game

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We are likely going to stick in the south end of the world. We land SFO midday Saturday. So really just a half day. Sunday my son has found as an Irish pub for the first half of the early game and I guess some kind of rail line to the stadium.

Are you driving to San Jose/Santa Clara from San Francisco and then taking the light rail to the stadium? (There is a stop right outside the stadium but Im pretty sure the Light Rail will be pacccccccccccccccccked) or are you taking a rail line from SF?

Having lived within a short bike ride of the stadium, I’d be happy to offer a take or two on your itinerary if you’d offer some more details, pm if you prefer.

Caltrain and Bart don’t get especially close to the stadium. If he’s doing mass transit, he’ll be doing light rail or bus for at least some of it. Jamming onto the light rail seems like a least-bad option to me, but I would think about catching it from the Mountain View Caltrain station, which I think is the first light rail stop that will go there without a train change.

Will figure it out on the ground. Car from the airport to hotel. Been told to avoid driving to stadium. Saw reference to light rail from SJ to Levi.

(I’m going up to Berkeley Monday which further justifies the car).

My son would like to get a mild hike in Saturday afternoon he’s got some recommendations from a friend already.

We aren’t gourmands so just try to find a decent local place sat night. He’s excited about in/out by the hotel so I’d guess that’s our post flight meal.

What neighborhood is your hotel in?

Mt Tamalpais at sunset (if it’s a clear day, or with cool fog) is the most beautiful view I’ve seen anywhere in the world, and I’ve seen a few. But you’d need a car for that.