2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Nuke former refs. Forever.

You can’t win the challenge on a non first down.

He pulls the ball back voluntarily. It isn’t the goal line so should still be short.

I hate the idea of challenging spots, but it seems like he should have gotten the first.

Edit: didn’t consider the idea of pulling it back voluntarily. Now I’m not sure.

Lol nfl

Andy’s freerolling a timeout here. He was probably going to call a timeout so he saves a timeout if successful.


announcers ignoring parallax is a top-forty sports pet peeve for me

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Hes absolutely down



What the fuck is that 1st down overturn? Good god.

Oh look NY god mode

I don’t think I’ve ever seen that - “Haha, our on the field call was so bad that we’re not actually going to assess a challenge.”

Chiefs better on 3rd and long than 3rd and short.




Die refs

Great fucking product. Just making shit up to give the Chiefs a first down.

Shocking hold. Looks legit though.


lol Fatrick

Big if true!