2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

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As I understand it, Givewell is the third party. Sean Carroll has been recommending them for a while. To me that’s a notable endorsement. I haven’t donated there up to now because what I can afford feels pretty paltry but I will this year, I hope. :crossed_fingers:

In the next 40 hours it going from -41F to +44F. lol Canada.

I’m feeling very confused. I don’t see Topic Controls anywhere. I click Share and there aren’t any Facebook options, or any other options. It’s just a URL.

I guess you could have returned it when when back for the real chowdah.

The forecast in this part of the country doesn’t call for that kind of temperature change but just a good old fashioned blizzard.



well this is gross


but this is hilarious



I would think that at least 95% of these cases have more to do with their kids and grandkids not wanting to spend Xmas with an asshole that had every advantage in life and never stops complaining.

They absolutely live to be the victim.

yeah “boo hoo I can’t stop being racist for one meal and now my kids won’t come visit” very sorry to hear this mister shitbag, thoughts and prayers coming your way

I mean I have some family members with some deplorable opinions but thank god none of them are obsessed with talking about them


There’s a sweet spot in here where unbiased estimates of charitable effectiveness exist, but they aren’t influential enough to be widely gamed. That’s basically where we are now. Here’s GiveWell’s analysis of their current top charities:

For one of their charities fighting malaria, they measure how many courses of preventative medication were delivered per dollar of funding, then they bridge from that metric to deaths prevented by looking at trials or other data on cases prevented per course of medication and deaths per case:


Look at Malaria Consortium tab if that’s not what it opens on.

Giving money to trustworthy charities to do good stuff is perfectly reasonable, but getting hard data to quantify impact is better if it’s done honestly. Also, from personal experience, I’ve found it much more motivating to give when you can mentally link the donation with a tangible benefit. One problem with just giving to good causes is that your donation has no observable impact on the problem, because the problems are big and you’re just one person. But seeing the evidence that giving $5000 will prevent a human child from dying makes it much easier to give that $5000 (or more if you can).


Made it home at 2am last night after barely making our connecting flight. (Wife ran to the already-closed gate and banged on the door crying, pleading for them to let us in. Then we sat on the tarmac for over an hour waiting for the plane to be de-iced. I don’t think any of the passengers actually believed we’d take off; every time the flight attendant turned on the intercom, the entire plane was silent and hoping not to hear bad news.)

The 20 mile drive from the airport was pretty miserable and took about an hour. Driving from Nashville would have been a complete horror show. This weekend is going to be pretty miserable (especially when I have to walk the dog), but at least we made it home safely.


turns out, drunk me was not the pussy.

fuuuck this shit


We should move Xmas to the summer the same way the Qataris forced the World Cup to be moved to November. It’s the pretend birthday for the alleged son of an imaginary God. What travel in shitty mid winter weather for that?

Would it be sexist of me to tell these women to have some motherfucking self respect?

What in the actual fuck. These children should be removed for child abuse. I’m not being hyperbolic.

Maybe the foster care system is better in Canada, but most kids would better off with these shitty, idiot parents than whatever the alternative might be. Unfortunately, the system largely consists of substitute parents who are even worse than what these kids have.

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it’s not even close