2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Mr. Beast is family friendly good vibes content where he gives away huge amounts of money. The question is why is he not more famous.


This is not family friendly. I certainly hope this grocery store isnā€™t located in a food desert.

I stumbled upon some Mr Beast videos years and years ago. I guess he was popular then, but not at the level he is now. I had no idea who he was and watched a few where he gave food deliver drivers massive tips, gave students laptops, and stuff like that.

The acts of generosity were all very nice, of course, but there was something that didnā€™t sit right with me about the videos. Iā€™m still not exactly sure what it was. I guess at the time, I was trying to figure out how much sponsorship money and YouTube revenue he had to be making to do these things. There was something about the videos that made me think that this wasnā€™t all just a way to be generous, but again, I couldnā€™t really put my finger on it.

Then I watched a video where he went to a car dealership and tried to buy a car with pennies. That really rubbed me the wrong way and I stopped watching his videos when they popped up in my feed.

I still canā€™t quite explain what makes me not like him. I do know that he looks like a child trying to look like a grown up.

You hate generosity bro?


Itā€™s because itā€™s not pure charity. Heā€™s exploiting the poverty of his subjects for entertainment by waving money in front of them.


Again, I donā€™t really know why, even years ago when I saw a few of his videos without knowing who he was, that something felt weird to me about it. I had no bias against him at all - I had never heard of him when he showed up in my YouTube feed.

The joke was that the USS Alabama is the scene of the movie Crimson Tide.

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever watched a mr beast video all the way through, but his charity work seems legit. He operates food banks and mobile pantries that specifically serve people who live in food deserts. He also apparently rolls all the revenue from his philanthropy channel right back into his charity. So yeah it increases his views and internet clout, but thatā€™s way more than I expect from a youtuber.

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How can anyone hate this? Car dealers may not be the nut low, but theyā€™re pretty close.




he had a bit where he paid for 1000 people to have eye surgery to see againā€¦ which i had hoped would show even more young people that the current healthcare situation is totally FUCKED. where 1000 people literally have the opportunity to see if they can get a few thousand dollars togetherā€¦ itā€™s like some form of voyeur philanthropy. i dont exactly know how he got started but like 75% of his videos were of the old radio station ā€œlast person to take your hand off the car wins itā€. type.

Iā€™ll give Mr Beast Credit, heā€™s at least beinf somewhat creative with all that cash.

We need more billionaires setting up the ā€œWould the WNBA all-stars score a point against the NBA all-starsā€ type of challenges


The Podcast Hard Fork had an episode about Mr. Beast - talked to the author of the below article. I knew who Mr. Beast was, but had never watched his videos, thought maybe they were misery porn. I came away thinking itā€™s a good thing, largely.

Edit - link to the podcast.

Depends on if heā€™s making life difficult for the salesperson or the owner. The salesperson is a product of ā€œhate the game not the player.ā€ The owner is the real villain.

Wow this is a perfect 2 word description

Like if i had a billion dollars, Iā€™d pay like Steve Aoki $5 Million to start his Las Vegas set playing only Limp Bizkit songs, and keep playing only Limp Bizkit songs and stand up a private betting market on how long it takes until 80+% of the club clears out


TIL about the British Post Office scandal. What a shit show.


One of the damnedest things about MrBeastā€™s fame, is that a launching point is listing the numbers from 1 to a million


My thoughts as well. Car dealers exist to waste your time until you give in. Returning the favor is a gift to the world. Plus the car dealer can refuse but I suspect a greedy car dealer accepted the Pennieā€™s (didnā€™t see the video myself).

I am not a Mr. Beast fan, and I donā€™t watch his videos. I have seen enough clips and news coverage though to believe he is a decent fellow. I am sure he probably grooms his fan base and we will find out any day now but until then I will pretend he is a force of good.

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Im not sure this is entirely true. If you are willing to accept legal tender for a good, I donā€™t think you can turn someone away who is offering legal tender for that good in a different form.