2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

OOT and OOT alone can solve it.



This is not a real concern. I’ll be posting here–all by myself if necessary–until the ship goes down. I should post a long-overdue financial update, but the ship isn’t likely to go down in the near future.


This seems like a weird story, it’s been gathering steam for the past few days and has now resulted in the police chief’s resignation.

The reason it’s weird to me is that I have always assumed that it was completely standard, even expected, for cops to routinely get out of all traffic tickets—up to and including most DUIs—by flashing their badge.

Now everybody seems to agree that this behavior is very wrong and is calling for accountability. I mean, it’s great, it’s just not what I would have expected the reaction to be.

Edit: I guess the proliferation of body cameras has really had a dramatic impact on many aspects of front-line law enforcement.


It makes me think the TBPD grunts wanted her to get got for [reasons] and thus jumped at a scandal served up on a silver platter.


That makes sense, and is probably a better theory than some sea change in police accountability that happened when I wasn’t paying attention!


Yeah without some other factors that bodycam footage never sees the light of day.

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as another poster who avoids any/all moderation threads… WAT


100% this i bet, strike 1 is probably just the chief being a woman.

There were ~250 registered accounts that posted to UP in November. There were another ~30 who liked at least one post but made none of there own. Toss in a few who do neither plus some unregistered lurkers and this place still has pretty close to 300 regular users. Those numbers are worth being aware of imo.


Ok wtf, I want to chat with chat gpl so I have to make an account with openai.com and it’s not only asking for email and name, but also my phone number. I know it’s more common now for things to ask for your phone number to register, but geez, it’s literally a site hosting an experimental AI that’s learning how to speak and maybe reason and I’m giving it my deets??

Wow I just saw this on tiktok. Surprised she had to resign.

My brother was a cop and your assumption is completely correct. He even has a Retired Cop badge that still gets him out of most traffic offenses.

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yeah, i saw the video a couple days ago and definitely :man_shrugging:t3:‘d. even if it was pre-empting the cop smelling alcohol, if being a police chief can’t get you out of a ticket, what’s the point? :joy:

agree 100% somebody didn’t like her and used this as a reason to get her gone…

North Carolina having a normal one

Substations seem to be a very big weak spot in modern infrastructure. Russia’s targeting Ukraine’s and someone can shoot up one and knock power out for says

This AOC clip is awesome.



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