2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Spoke to someone who saw a devil out there. Very rare to see one in the wild. They are nocturnal, timid and increasingly rare because of the face cancer thing.

However, evidence favoring commonplace use of floss remains limited. A 2008 systematic review concluded that adjunct flossing was no more effective than tooth brushing alone in reducing plaque or gingivitis.[3] The authors concluded that routine instruction of flossing in gingivitis patients as helpful adjunct therapy is not supported by scientific evidence, and that flossing recommendations should be made by dental professionals on an individual basis.[3]

A 2011 Cochrane Database systematic review identified ā€œsome evidence from 12 studies that flossing in addition to tooth brushing reduces gingivitis compared to tooth brushing aloneā€, and ā€œweak, very unreliable evidence from 10 studies that flossing plus tooth brushing may be associated with a small reduction in plaque at 1 and 3 months.ā€[19] Studies of flossing behavior are based on self-report and many people do not floss properly. A 2006 review of 6 studies in which professionals flossed the teeth of school children over a period of 1.7 years showed a 40% reduction in the risk of tooth decay.[20]

More recently, a 2019 Cochrane Database systematic review compared toothbrushing alone to interdental cleaning devices, and also compared flossing to other interdental cleaning methods.[21] In all, 35 randomized control trials met the criteria for inclusion, with all but 2 studies at high risk for performance bias. The authors concluded that ā€œoverall, the evidence was low to very low certainty, and the effect sizes observed may not be clinically important.ā€

FFS - the way dentists freak out youā€™d think not flossing = guaranteed dentures by the time youā€™re 50.

I hate flossing. It hurts and makes my gums bleed. My teeth are too tight in most places. The tape works but my fat fingers are too big to reach the back teeth w/o ripping my mouth open. The little pick things are ok but very hard to get between the tight teeth. I use them on the looser teeth.

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Seems bad

Thatā€™s about the least deadly thing in Australia.


Getting yelled at by dentists is so tilting. Hey asshole I donā€™t want to be here at all, I want a medal for showing up not a lecture.

Doing everything through the states and trying to do means testing makes even the easiest things insanely complicated



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Google ā€œlisterine access flosserā€™ā€. These are what I switched too after having the exact same problem.

This stops within a couple of weeks if you floss consistently.

Dental problems suck and itā€™s worth a little effort to avoid them.

Once it becomes a habit it feels weird and gross not to do it.




this has literally been every trip to the dentist Iā€™ve ever had

what are you psychos doing to get yelled at by a dentist???

Iā€™ve had more than one dentist that constantly tried to sell me whitening treatments and other stuff that wasnā€™t covered by insurance.

Worse than the shame imo.

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Waterpiks have been around forever. Warm water + dump a capful of mouthwash in for a nice minty aftertaste. Stop using string like a peasant.

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I used to have a dentist who was pretty chill and said that since I didnā€™t have any cavities now, I would probably never get them. Then he retired and sold his practice to a tryhard. On my first visit she did some 3D scan of my teeth and was pointing out all kinds of stuff the other guy never mentioned. Currently looking for another dentist.


Sounds like you guys are under the thumb of Big Floss. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


I started flossing regularly again after I read Vonnegutā€™s Galapagos. He makes a convincing case for dentists. I was also doing Invisalign at the time, which requires flossing, but still, better safe than sorry.

I am as big a believer in science/data/experts as anyone, but no amount of studies will convince me that flossing has little effect. I floss very night, and like half the time I see at least one large chunk fly out. Sure, maybe that chunk comes out sometimes if I donā€™t floss and I just do mouthwash and brush my teeth (optimal order is floss>mouthwash>brushing ldo), but I just canā€™t believe thereā€™s no measurable benefit.

I do have a water pik, but for some reason I prefer flossing.

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Likely just an anecdote, but my ā€œyou should floss moreā€ dentist trips disappeared once I switched from a regular cheapo toothbrush to a Sonicare. That shit seems pretty thorough. I floss once every month or two, usually just when thereā€™s shit stuck in my teeth that I can feel.

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My dentist told me water piks are fine but I still need to floss.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Iā€™ve never had a cavity. But my gums do bleed pretty easily.