2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Clearly, they did not factor in the upcoming surge of school shootings in their future.

Unless five year olds are decked out in kevlar 24/7

20 years ago the Stanford futurists were saying I would live forever thanks to an ocean of tiny robots they would make and distribute for free. Now it is “you better not retire because you may live to 100.”

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That’s why you should just go ahead and slide down in the wealth/income brackets, so that you die at 70 like a normal person.

How many five year olds going to die in Versus challenges?

Great so the average senator will be 98 instead of 93 like it is now. :pensive:

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IDK if we have an “interesting science stuff” thread but whatever.

Big retrospective study finds large and exposure-level-dependent reductions in cardiovascular disease and overall mortality in men taking PDE-5 inhibitors (Viagra etc). Of course the usual retrospective study caveats apply but I’m not sure I find “maybe men with ED are just healthier than men without” to be a super convincing proposition.

Maybe having sex is good for the old CV system

Some guy I knew once took viagra (recreational of course, he was virile like a bull). Anyway, this dude felt really strange after thirty minutes. Stuffed up like crazy and felt lightheaded and a little dizzy. This guy said heart attack might be preferable. Truish story.

This seems like a potentially very significant result.

Also, semaglutide has had impressive results for weight loss and is now experiencing scarcity. In 10 years everyone may be on boner and weight loss pills and life expectancy will be like 82.

Either Levitra or Cialis does that to me. Whichever is the triangle-shaped one. Totally fucks me up. The other two are fine.

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Regulating gas stoves is the new version of raising taxes on the rich. Median R-voter: “I’ve never owned a gas stove, but I might someday!”

Let’s get in touch with the heartland by interviewing realtors in – checks notes – New York City and the Hamptons:

Many home shoppers will have to give up their desire for a gas stove when they buy an apartment in a new building, said Cindy Scholz, a Realtor in New York City and East Hampton, N.Y. Developers building from the ground up tend to use induction cooktops, she said.

My wife, who would be the first to admit she should stay out of the kitchen, twice almost had serious accidents with a gas stove in our old townhouse.

Once, she caught her hair on fire on a burner. Another time, she called me down from upstairs for some help and when I got to the kitchen, I saw that her shirt was half burned off. Hey, if you’re going to have a fire accident, might as well make it sexy.

We have electric appliances in our house, though she naturally melted a tupperware container on one of the burners not long after we moved in.

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I’ve definitely burned my hand and arm hair over a gas burner, never the hair on my head though damn.

right :rofl::rofl:

Surprised no one in America has to tried to sell a commercial version of the Bearclaw yet.



Pepper spray? Pffft. If you’re serious about protecting your family, there’s really only one option. (from 25 years ago!):

Have been seeing a lot about semaglutide lately. Seems a bit of a resource battle between diabetics and overweight people wishing to take it. I also think right now it is crazy expensive.

Not taking any issue with what you said, was just top of mind when I saw you mention it.

Too soon to start the next election thread?


Winklevi raging against the machine

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Guess you have never seen good implementations of those tools. Dealing with Karen in HR with just e-mail and spreadsheets was way more time consuming for me and Karen than doing the same through Workday and/or ServiceNow. Always loved the ‘I didn’t get that e-mail’ responses from HR and the arguments over pay and leave. With a good implementation of these tools we both see the exact same info and history of issues. Same for hiring and onboarding people.
I do share the hate for Concur and have not seen any good implementation for that for any decent sized company.

Disclaimer is that I work for these companies :slight_smile: