2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

So a group of Israel’s allies including the US, UK, EU and Australia put out a statement saying there should be a 21 day ceasefire, and:

Israel Katz, Israel’s foreign minister, hit back at the pleas on Thursday, declaring “there will be no ceasefire in the north”.

By “the north”, he means bombing the sovereign state of Lebanon. How the fuck is this guy calling the shots? Reminder of what happened when Menachim Begin pissed off Reagan:

I mean if we don’t see any pushback on this, just most pathetic empire of all time, getting backchatted by wholly dependent client states.


Netanyahu is both betting on a Trump win and doing his best to make it happen. Democrats should do whatever they think is best electorally right now and then end Netanyahu once and for all, no matter the short term political cost, if they win.


Like we agree with the ICC’s conclusion that Netanyahu is a war criminal and will not send another bullet to Israel until he is no longer Israel’s PM end him. Netanyahu has been fucking around for waaaayyyy too long and it’s waaaaayyyy past time for him to find out.

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What is best for Dems electorally is probably whatever makes it easiest for people on both sides to vote for Kamala Harris. I’d like to think she would shift gears in January, but I’m not so sure she will.

I just don’t get how he thinks he has the juice to run power plays like this. If I am Kamala I am behind the scenes threatening to go scorched earth on these guys.

If he thinks he’s fucked if Kamala Harris wins, then it’s an easy choice for him to back Trump fully.

I know that’s not the point of your post but you asked –

It’s just a literal translation from Hebrew where it would make complete sense to anyone. Also Israel Katz is probably not even allowed to go to the bathroom without a written consent from Netanyahu. He’s technichally the foreign minister but he’s not even in the “war cabinet”. He used to be a somewhat prominent figure within the Likkud but Bibi has drained that out of any significant meaning.

ETA - Israeli-Lebanon war didn’t end for almost two month after that call and Israel did not fully withdrawn from the “security zone” they created in that war for two decades. So i wouldn’t call that Reagan call a big success.