2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Well they already watched their home burn and their relatives killed.

All murder is brutal. If your instinct is to parse this for political points on either side you have lost the plot.


No, being taken hostage from a music festival where hundrads of others were murdered. The American citizen had his arm amputated there. They were kept in underground tunnels for 10 months until shot dead sometimes this week, most likely because of the escape of the Bedouin hostage from a nearby tunnel.

So yeah, it’s pretty brutal. Devestating for Israelis who’ve been protesting every week with the families to pressure the governement to reach a deal. The general worker union declared a strike today to pressure them. Don’t confuse criticism of Netanyahu’s government or even support of BDS with lack of basic humane empathy.


Obviously. Commenting on the double standards applied to the way people talk about violence in the Middle East is not an endorsement of, or minimizing of, the violence on either side. I apologize if my comment reads that way, that is not my intent.


It’s a very sad day here, especially for those who are doing their most to stop the bloodshed. I don’t think the phrasing of an IDF PR is really the interesting issue here, especially when it’s the closest to accurate they ever been.


No just trying to understand the context of why they would murder their hostages. How many more hostages do we know to be alive?

We don’t know.

It makes sense for the captures to kill the hostages if they think the IDF are close to rescuing them. In fact there was a long discussion in this thread not understanding how it didn’t happen during the previous hostage rescue operation.

Those 6 were presumed to be alive during the latest negotiations. Sadly Netanyahu doomed them to death when he refused the deal his own negotiating team put forward and hardened his stance. Tragic day here for those standing with the families for the past 10 months.

Yuv will determine your intent, thank you

“We say to everyone clearly that after the Nuseirat incident, new instructions were issued to the mujahideen assigned to guard the prisoners regarding dealing with them if the occupation army approached their place of detention,”

Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida posted it via Telegram.

I find this really hard.

I see pictures of the hostages in news stories and Im immediately sad because they look like friends of mine.

Obviously this is completely different to how the deaths of Palestinians are presented.

But the answer is not to downplay this tragedy, but to try and expand empathy so that the Palestinian deaths feel the same to more people.



Probably not far off from Americans and Iraq, if social media had been a thing. Still despicable.

Hardly any Americans or any other nationality believe in free speech.



Because it’s a really dumb idea in the absolute. There has to be limits and Americas obsession with the absolute leads to lots of bad outcomes and few good ones.


I’m obviously deeply ignorant (no sarcasm) on the issue, but I have heard from Yuv and others that these types of protestors aren’t exactly coming from a place USAians would expect. For example, that the majority of them would call themselves Zionists (Yuv that’s how I remember it, apologies if I’m misremembering)

Forcing Palestinians out of their homes isn’t exactly what they’re protesting. It’s more like they’re protesting that Netanyahu’s administration didn’t use optimal hostage-rescuing strat and kidnap-prevention strat

I’ve been to a few big protests. When they get this size it’s impossible to generalise. There’s literally whole swathes of society there. Will have a full range of opinions.

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In Israel? Not that it’s easier to generalize, but I was refering to protests in Israel

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