2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

“What’s the lease say? Most Jewish people I know are landlords, so I can’t imagine them doing this without a lease.”



Very normal stuff here.

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Serious question. Is Theo Von a right wing shitheel? He is legitimately hilarious here and there in reels or tiktoks I have seen but I’ve always assumed he is mostly based on the guests he has.

i haven’t heard him talking about politics enough to know, but i agree in short sound bytes he’s hilarious so :man_shrugging:t3:

looks like one and probably smells like one too tho

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I’m sure his views don’t all checkout, but his general world view does not seem to be conservative or xenophobic or racist or misogynist. The opposite really as he seems generally/genuinely empathetic. He is pretty funny.


good way to put it :+1:t3:

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In the few clips I’ve seen, he seems like a nicer version of Joe Rogan in that he’s stupid and buys what his guests are selling because information, right or wrong, is always new to him.

But admittedly, I’ve only seen clips.



Pulling the knife out is progress, though. The wound can’t begin to heal until the knife is pulled out. Maybe I’m overthinking it.

Well if you really want to overthink it people heal with bullets in them all the time. So they could also probably heal with a piece of knife in them or maybe the whole thing. If it went just right it could be like a giant body piercing.


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Well, this popped in my feed this morning. I haven’t watched yet, but it should show some light on Theo if he sucks


My read is that Theo isn’t a shitheel. He comes across as pretty unaware and clearly hasn’t thought deeply about politics or political topics. He shows a fair amount of empathy, especially on the topic of healthcare and the economic impacts of our existing system. If he has some poorly formed opinions, my guess is he just hasn’t considered it from different angles. It kind of reminds me of some old Joe Rogan when he had conversations with his guests and didn’t just shove right-wing talking points into every conversation.

If you want to hear a big ole Bernie laugh, just tune into 46:10 when Theo says that Kid Rock is one of Trump’s advisors.




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Israel’s military said it has recovered the bodies of six hostages killed by Hamas militants in Gaza – including an Israeli-American captive – dealing fresh heartbreak to relatives who fear time is running out for loved ones seized by the militants more than 10 months ago. Israeli soldiers found the six bodies in tunnels under the enclave, according to the military. The hostages were “brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists, a short while before we reached them,” Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a briefing Sunday.

So the claim is that the hostages were going to be rescued and that Hamas murdered them shortly before that happened?

Are you suggesting the hostages committed mass suicide? Or do you think it’s that difficult to tell how long a body has been dead?

What’s a brutal muder? Like were they raped first? Did they have to watch their home and family burned alive first? Maybe shot in the leg by snipers first?

A brown person did it.

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