2022 NFL Gameday Thread: C’mon Damar (Part 1)


With the first second half drive starting with a run for a 1 yard loss.

Welcome back, Bruce!

Seahawks defence no longer complete lol?

They’ve been legit good if not great the last few weeks.

I did not have “Geno keeps on a read option” on my bingo card.

Seattle is legitimately good!

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Yup. Carroll firmly cementing himself as #2 in the coach power rankings behind Bellichick.

Looks like dumping Russ and keeping Pete to rebuild was absolutely the right call.

I need GENO to pile it on here. My co-worker is an insufferable Cards homer who goes to every game and has the worst takes ever. Especially for someone who has gone to games for 20+ years.


Pete is easily the GOAT DB coach and has actually been pretty good on 4th downs this year and stopped incinerating TOs.

Kyler gotta be on pace for about 3000 yards in the fourth quarters this season and ofc his team is gonna be 3-6. Maybe try leading a game for once?

Yeah, I’m happy to have been pretty wrong on this one. I saw Russ declining, and it’s better to get rid of a player a year early than a year late, but the team has had suspect defenses for a while now, and that’s on Pete. It sure looked like Russ was carrying a bad team, even if his weaknesses (bad on 3rd down, taking bad sacks) were also hurting the team.

I still don’t know what to make of the Geno Renaissance, though. It’s not like Pete got this caliber of play out of Zombie Matt Hasselbeck or Charlie Whitehurst or even Geno in backup duty.

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I assume this was posted upthread but I grunched from last week.



“I do declare!” :wave:

That riff on Spider 2 Y Banana with a TE coming across the formation in lieu of the fullback is absolutely slaughtering the Cardinals.

It looked like DK was also super open on that play too.

But you never throw the Venus on Spider 2 Y Banana!

From wondering where the Seahawks might find 4 wins all season to 4 straight wins by double digits.

ANOTHER drop by the Bucs. Sheesh.

Tampa quiet quitting Brady

Failed fade to Evans incoming.

Or maybe a screen for a 2 yard loss.

Feel like they luckbox a TD, then rams somehow get a FG and then OT aids commences. It’s a afternoon slate tradition to have a mega shit OT game