2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

MSNBC going with “too close to call but Warnock is the clear leader”. Real weak shit

I just did a very quick and dirty extrapolation. I parsed NYT’s json file, they have a figure for expected vote per county. I extrapolated from current voting percentages and divided the expected vote up that way per-county and got this:

Warnock 1,912,922 (53.3%)
Walker 1,679,010 (46.7%)

I don’t know where their expected vote number comes from, they also had an nyt_expected_vote figure which was their pre-election prediction. I tried using that instead and got this:

Warnock 1,885,592 (53.0%)
Walker 1,670,743 (47.0%)

I don’t know how accurate this quick-and-dirty extrapolation is but even if it’s quite some way off the truth it seems like Warnock must have a substantial lead. There are just not many pro-Walker counties still to report large numbers of votes.

Ah, I see in the time I was doing that Polymarket’s > 2.5% margin of victory “Yes” climbed from 64c to 87c (that’s why I was doing it, wanted to know how I should bet).

That’s hacking in Missouri.


I agree. How does this happen? Why does Walker want to be a congressman? (He’s running for senate but he doesn’t know the difference.)

I would guess the origin story has something to do with Walker getting to know Trump on Celebrity Apprentice.

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Warnock has to be a top 5 senator. This is unambiguously great. Which basically never happens so I’m going to enjoy it.



pred ga

Call it.

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So we’re not getting a concession?

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Lol America.


Newsmax calls it…

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Now it’s extra official:


Warnock for President?

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We could do a lot worse, although I’d argue holding down that senate seat is more valuable to progresive causes than the WH.


CNN calls it. Goodnight all.

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I never thought I’d want a Christian pastor representing me in the Senate (you’re welcome, btw), but Warnock really seems like a genuinely good dude. He keeps his religion separate from government and respects everyone’s beliefs.

Georgia somehow has an elite Senator pairing.


I want Warnock to end up winning by like 5 so that the UP Georgia households are the difference.

…and they’re locked in until 2026 thank god.


Going to Fox News: Kellyanne is blaming Mitch. LOL.

More Mitch blaming!

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