2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


Dems were still the racist party then, right?

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So satisfying. Also Adam Corrolla - what happened to you?

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Yeah dems were Southern racists and midwest unions. Not sure how that played out in AZ.

Rs owned California and most of the East Coast (well not here). So weird.

1948 Dewey defeats Truman (not):

What’s mauve you ask?

1950 midterms:

Eisenhower in 1952:

1954 midterms:

orly, democrat secretary of state should have recused herself? you mean like republican secretary of state kemp recuse himself in georgia?

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Mother of God 1972:

I guess this was the first election of the Southern Strategy? Rs had to be thinking they’d never lose again.

In a NYT letter to the editor, a certain Chaz Riverman Sr. predicted the tragic death of the Democratic Party.

And then 1980 and 1984 a few elections later. Yeah things were looking grim for Ds.


'92 is the first year things start to look a little recognizable to now.

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What I see



Reminds me of the Star Trek episode with the giant ameba, The Immunity Syndrome.

Kirk: Bones, do you realize that when that thing takes over the galaxy, we’ll be the virus invading it’s body?

I’m pretty sure I’m not in the hopium thread, but NYT now has called 217 House seats for the MAGA chuds, and that doesn’t include Boebert and others who are leading. Seems like it’s over in the House.

More than half of the NYT uncalled seats are dem locks, including a couple with 2 dems, but yeah the GOP will have the majority, probably like 220-215.

Crazy to see the south voting against the war hero who literally put God back into America. The racism must have been super strong.

God, war hero, etc. are nothing compared with the racism. The racism is the only thing. As true now as then

She doesn’t have nearly the pull he did in 2020 (or he even has now) it appears. I’m curious how she goes about it given she’ll probably want to angle into high paid pundit career and the whole election denying thing seems to be going by the wayside anywhere that pays good money (ie. Fox)

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They voted for the godless (Unitarian) egghead over the religious war hero, lol.

I assume Biggs and the rest must be in on this deal. No depth McCarthy won’t sink to. What a scumbag.


He’s been conservative for ages.



It’s almost as if the former slave states are massively racist still.

Oh wait.