2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Can we get a meltdown report?

Iā€™ve been saying for a while now that the polling didnā€™t necessarily have the turnout models right and Demes could outperform in an environment with a ton of variance. That is what weā€™re witnessing tonight! Drawing very very live to end up with 51 senators now, you have to think.


It is, but Alaska might be more likely than Wisconsin. Heck Iā€™ve seen about enough in Georgia now - if I was betting Iā€™d take Warnock to get to 50% and avoid a runoff.

Pennsylvania just keeps trying to strap the Statue of Liberty on its back and hard carry election after election.


Iā€™m taking some liberties here

Brit Hume: Why the fuck arenā€™t we calling these obvious GOP wins that other networks are
Ham Rove: Weā€™ve got Nevada, youā€™ll see. Periodically whips out the whiteboard.
Mr. Meghan McCain: Pennsylvania has dumb rules
Random taking head: Fetterman luck because so much early voting before debate
Brett Baier: Not really saying much, just looks like his dog died
Main Anchor Fembot: same as above
Kellyanne: spewing bullshit as always
Map screen guy (i.e., their John King): this sucks, just kill me now.


Ron Johnsonā€™s lead has shrunk - cut in half in the last 10 minutes. Comonnnn Milwaukee.


Arkansas, Missouri, South Dakota, and North Dakota pretty bearish on weed. Glad Iā€™ve been to all of them already.

California folks thinking sports betting is bad, especially on the internet.

Might as well get Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, and Alaska for 53ā€¦

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Ham Rove sounds like heā€™s straight up making up numbers at this point in this CT house race.

The funny thing is I dont think they are. I think what people voted No to were those fucking ads that have been running for like an entire fucking year.

Well shit, this isnā€™t what I thought Iā€™d wake up to! Cradle of democracy, civilization and teevee still going strong?!?!

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Is there any math showing WI as live? Betting markets donā€™t seem to believe itā€¦

Will load up on some cheese curds if Ron Johnson loses

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Whoā€™s going to caucus with AZ lady and WV man now

Lake looking bad according to Norwegian newspaper, confirm/deny?

Edit: nm, saw the other thread. Why two gameday threads, urk.

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I havenā€™t really seen - but it is still too close to call by MSNBC. Kornacki didnā€™t go into great detail about the remaining vote just now - he just touched on it.

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uhh, Alaska is 100% Murkowski. No chance of any other scenario, all the Dem voters will have her 2nd and none of the Kelly voters would have the dem 2nd.

House back out to +1300 from like +450 on betfair

If by bad, you mean that Lake is getting the shit kicked out of her, then yeah, thatā€™s how it looks right now.

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