2020 Senate + House Races

I know I’ve said this before, but my young nephew who seemed way to young to be radicalized, was shocked when I said I was democrat. Asked me “so you want to pokemon go to the polls”? I don’t think it is minor at all what AOC is attempting to do with this Among Us stream. There is a far right movement that has been infiltrating the too young to vote. AOC doing Among Us stream has negligible effect for this election.

But man, this might be a long term counter for the 8chan




…to make it worse…

I joined a discord channel with my 13-14 year old nephew with his friends. A group of four middle class teenage white males from Arizona. I didn’t intend this to be political. I just wanted a way to maybe play some games with my nephew when we were on the same time.

I ended up deleting my entire discord account just because it was so depressing. Maybe I could move them on their current talking point for one day. Then I would see them sharing alt right memes together. I eventually realized it didn’t matter because I was 1 vs 4. Shit just became more and more radical. Was despressing.




So we are currently texting republicans in the district, and boy are they brainwashed. They believe literally anything Dear Leader says. Issa has a new ad out on derpy radio in which he has a recording of a phone call with Trump horribly mispronouncing Ammar’s name and saying Ammar hates Israel. Guess what 20% of our text convos were about today? Yup, fucking Israel. When we countered with evidence and endorsements, they just fucking say, straight to our faces, “You’re lying. I don’t believe you.”

Also, they all, and I mean ALL, failed basic civics. If I had a dollar for every one who wanted to know how my US CONGRESSIONAL candidate was going to work to repeal SB XYZ, or what he could do about Newsom’s COVID response, or what he thought about this or that prop, or how he would vote on ACB I 'd probably have a main event buy in.

Some of our canned responses now passive-aggressively try to teach them something. “While Ammar doesn’t have a vote on a CA state bill, be assured that blah blah blah…” “The house doesn’t vote on Scotus noms, but if i was a Senator…”

Fortunately, we won’t be texting anymore Republicans. This was just the “90% likely to vote” group, so any support for Ammar from these guys is just gravy. The question was if this one went better than expected, whether to take the risk and text the Reps who are 70-80% likely to vote. On one hand, we could get more votes, but on the other hand, we could motivate people who weren’t going to vote to get to the polls. It’s not going well enough to make it worth the risk.

Small strategy note. Any Rs we come across that don’t like Issa but “just can’t vote for a democrat” is getting our suppression script. Yup, we’re terrible people trying to get them to just not vote in our race.

This race isn’t going to be called on election day. It’s basically tied and all our numbers bear that out. sob The SDUT is supposedly fielding a poll this week, so that should come out sometime next week.

ETA: also, these people HATE California. I don’t know why they live here.


Also, Katie Porter reached out and offered to help fundraise, so Ammar is in Irvine for two days and he and Katie, along with her whole team, are calling all her donors asking them to donate to us.

I didn’t think I could love her more, but it seems I was wrong.


because any republican controlled state is a broke hell hole.

Just explain that every single person who ever ripped off their wife with 1000% vig on shitty cosmetics in their local mall was Israeli, which is very much true. Ammar would get rid of them all.


Also like how dem congressional districts have been obliterated by successive governments and so all the educated progressives like in Republican/deplorable commuter cities!

Die. That’s it.

How many of them had already voted?

It’s been a terrifying deep dive into the Republican psyche.

I think I’ve been told to fuck off about 347 times today

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to be fair i told every republican texter to fuck off.


hmm, about 30%, which is what’s tracking with the ballot numbers in the district so far.

all is not lost, of the people who responded, ~20% of them voted or are voting for Ammar…which is definitely higher than the Republican crosstab we saw in our most recent internal poll.

No, I cannot tell you what it was other than it was tied…

Did you see my post with the results of the CA “already voted” email pole I took? Don’t think it intentionally skewed dem, but it was like Biden +72. Still, the area you’re prospecting is pretty red.

This shit, like goofy said, is really only popular with the incel crowd who have no friends and make teenage girls recoil. Those are the only people who are far right and under 25.

Great parenting, incel raisers. Like maybe notice your kid spends 6 hours a day playing video games and is becoming a complete piece of shit.

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Reading it this morning it went over mine, too. Some kind of joke based on The Vow (hbo series) but it didn’t make much sense lol

There is a pretty serious crisis going on in this country with privileged young white males. I’m not even sure how to address it, but it needs to be on our radar. Conservative parents have been working overtime to brainwash their kids at younger and younger ages and it’s likely going to keep getting uglier.




I mean I probably played video games that much when I was a kid. This is some Tipper Gore esque shit right here.

Real problem is the 4chan stuff.