2020 Senate + House Races

Also pointless. The election is less than a week away and some significant number of people have already voted. The time to change peoples’ minds is well past.

Have you seen any recent reliable polling on the Neal v Morse race?

Not really. This isn’t a race where there’s going to be enough polling to tell us much of anything, and with so many absentee ballots it could be a week+ before we know the results.

Thanks. I’m guessing Neal thinks it’s pretty close.


AOCs PAC endorsing him has gotten some big donors to hopefully waste more of their money

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Any chance Ca-4 moves in that direction?

I’ll second this



LMAO what an idiot


highly doubtful on CA-4. Anything could happen, though.

Also, got this today, which will help a TON.


looks like he’s gonna hang on. A kennedy losing in mass times have changed.

What actually happened? I’m very confused. Did Warren endorse him?

Issa’s really dumb (besides being a corrupt stooge) if he thinks Campa-Najjar would renounce the support of someone he was thrilled to get the support of but didn’t actually receive.

Looks like she endorsed him in 2018, but not this cycle. Ammar is saying she hasn’t endorsed, referring to this current race, and idiot Issa is calling him a liar because she endorsed last cycle.


That’s amazing, I missed the connection to 2018.

yes but other than people on unstuck politics, few would realize the difference and he knows it.

I’d tend to agree, but all of the replies to his tweet are calling him out on it so maybe he is enough of a scumbag that people know to look at everything he says critically.

Facebook also put one of their “possible fake news” warnings on Issa’s post over there, too.

I’d try to find it an SS it, but i don’t want to go anywhere near Issa’s FB page. ugh. yuck.


No idea about quality of this poll. Hoping the fact it shows Kennedy beating Markey in this district means it’s overstating both Kennedy and Neal.

Will need knowledge from our local correspondent @zikzak

I have never heard of Kirk Bado or Jewish Insider, and after some quick googling neither has anybody else. Kennedy being up by 7 anywhere outside Hyannis Port seems unlikely.

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Does Ammar actually have a chance?