2020 Senate + House Races



You know what? A slow clap for an honest grifter. This dude is 100% only doing this for the grift, did not try very hard, and has now found a way to extend that further off our presidents stupidity? God bless this man I hope he runs again next time. I donā€™t like the people heā€™s grifting so I wish him success, happiness, and good fortune. Heā€™s doing a lot less harm at work every day than a lot of people.

#CA25 flipped back to Ds (not yet updated on cal sec of state website)


Wasserman hasnā€™t seen enough, yet. But this is a good sign.

Ds still trailing in 3 other flipped 2018 seats: CA21, CA39, CA48 by 1-3 points.

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Big vote drops in Ventura has moved Garcia back ahead by 215 votes. Ventura maybe has several hundred votes left (est 4K in the whole county), probably several thousand left in LA county (over 100K estimated remaining), with another batch expected tomorrow.

This is now really tight and will go to a recount anyway. Smith maybe ever so slightly favored.

Cook Political has called CA39 and CA48 for the Rs, but CA21 still uncalled.

Apparently Sara Gideon has $14 million left in the bank from her campaign contributions. I guess the DNC didnā€™t really care that much about winning the senate. WTF.

Well, in retrospect, we can see that spending it would have just been lighting it on fire. Of course, they couldnā€™t have known that, so they should have spent it.

thatā€™s a lotta 25-500$ gift cards/jewelry

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I donā€™t know how she blew 60 million in maine in the first place. Harrison did blow his 130 million though.

Weā€™re just at the point where $ is only gonna do so much in the airwave space, need a different approach with the rest of it other than lighting it all on fire.


Iā€™m Sara Gideon, and Iā€™m lighting this money on fire because itā€™s time we get money out of politics once and for all.

[close up of money burning, cut back to Gideon]

Ok thatā€™s movie prop money, but I did donate the last 14 million in my war chest to local charities because I do support campaign finance reform.

My wife stopped me from throwing a few bucks at the GA Senate campaigns, simply saying, ā€œThey have enough money.ā€

Good point.


Uh, campaign consultants can write up invoices with literally any number on them. Its not hard to burn campaign money, thatā€™s why US politicians spend 98% of their time raising campaign money.

Yeah I donā€™t think Iā€™m ever going to donate to a political campaign again.