2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Have you watched “King of Kong” fist full of quarters? Excellent movie with a lot of parallels to our current political situation.

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I’m sure you know this, but if you’re moving to a city, essentially all of Europe is English-speaking.

+1. A lot of these “remote” places seem like a lateral move at best from South Carolina.

Rex Sinquefield on that list is disappointing. Stick to funding chess imo.

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This article (despite its infuriating but LOLTASTIC opening) is a pretty good run-down.

But man, that opening:

It is true that Democrats labor mightily to undermine election integrity. The only rational reason for that is to make it easier for legally unqualified people to cast ballots, and to cast in bulk — and under the influence of progressive activists — the ballots of people who would not otherwise have voted (and whose qualifications may be dubious). It is also true that mail-in voting on a massive scale, favored by Democrats, creates tremendous potential for fraud. This potential is inevitably realized in at least some fraud when coupled with other policies Democrats aggressively push — e.g., the weakening of identification, signature-verification, and witness requirements.

10k poasts, wrap it up

In an ep of ST OS, Kirk explains the amazing capacity of the ship’s computer to amplify sound by “on the order of one to the fourth power”. I’m reminded of that scene whenever the number 10,000 comes up.

…plus you might not be able to understand their dialect very well.

Will add to the watch list. Thanks.

This was one early arcade game I wasn’t familiar with, so I went and watched some YouTube’s of it and I can’t believe how anyone played it more than 5 minutes without having a seizure or getting a migraine Or dementia

We’re living dangerously, #9997!

Go here:

Well it would explain quite a bit in my case :crazy_face:

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