2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

From the article:

“Under Pepper, Democrats have also lost significant ground in state politics – losing all three of the last races for governor, and falling to an even smaller majority of a Republican-supermarjority legislature.”

Can someone unpack the “even smaller majority of a Republican-supermajority legislature” for me? My pea sized brain doesn’t understand it. Dems aren’t the minority party?

You know how we are often like “man there is this guy at work who seemed normal but the other day he dropped a QAnon reference / N-Bomb / Whatever?”

That happens in Ohio more than anywhere else.

Sherrod Brown is a senator which isn‘t an executive office.

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It’s really hopeless here. Not only is the state government controlled by the right, it is controlled by the absolute batshit crazy right. And it’s so gerrymandered, there’s really no hope of even breaking the Republican supermajority.

Really need Columbus to kick its growth rate into high gear.

Gabriel Sterling, a high-ranking Georgia elections official, walked to a lectern in the State Capitol in Atlanta on Tuesday and angrily denounced the violent threats and harassment directed at people working on elections issues, urging President Trump to condemn it.

“It has to stop,” said Mr. Sterling, a Republican. “Mr. President, you have not condemned this language or these actions. This has to stop. We need you to step up, and if you’re going to take a position of leadership, show some.”

Mr. Sterling, a wonkish former city councilman in the Atlanta suburb of Sandy Springs, has taken on a starring role as Georgia’s voting system implementation manager while the president continues to call the election “rigged” and urge for the results to be nullified.

“Mr. President, it looks like you likely lost the state of Georgia,” Mr. Sterling said on Tuesday. “We’re investigating. There’s always a possibility, I get it, you have the right to go to the courts. What you don’t have is the ability to — and you need to step up and say this — is stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. Someone’s going to get hurt. Someone’s going to get shot. Someone’s going to get killed.”

He was fine with it when Trump was trying to get democrats killed




I’m sure that will be effective. They’ll all go home and accept the results now. Job well done, I say.

Kinda late, huh?

The face eating leopard is eating my face? I now object to face eating leopards




you have to show all of your evidence that bigfoot doesn’t exist


Lordy, I hope this is all true.

(s’ok, just shot my pony w a bazooka. Everything still awesome about the whole thing tho’).

I took a picture of my backyard. Bigfoot is not in the picture. Ergo, Bigfoot does not exist. QED.


How do you know that Big Foot’s camoflauge isn’t clever enough to exactly mimic a piece of your environment, or perhaps the entire thing? Like, maybe the photo you think is your backyard is really just Big Foot’s left nut.



Fat Durst and Methhew McConaughey!


New York City finally counted its absentee ballots.

T+28 days. Almost Done!


Is that an original? Legit lol’ed. Well done.

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Inspired by booze!

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28 Days Later


When so many libs are ready to engage with them like this, it’s not an all-that-dumb research strategy. Bad faith dick move? Sure, but effective. Trigger the smartest people you know into going on an impassioned TED Talk rant and it’s like getting a free Harvard education.