2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I didn’t find that terribly reassuring. That guy only matters of the SCOTUS tells Trump to leave, he doesn’t, and the popo tries to help him stay.

The SCOTUS rolling over for Trump is a big part of what shakes people.

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Chomsky has some great narratives about Lenin and the right wing.

Lenin disbanded/disempowered the Soviets. He sent Trotsky and the red army to crush worker rebellion.

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I was never shook about it, I assumed a few still are.



Private property in the industry of the Third Reich is often considered a mere formal provision without much substance. However, that is not correct, because firms, despite the rationing and licensing activities of the state, still had ample scope to devise their own production and investment patterns. Even regarding war-related projects freedom of contract was generally respected and, instead of using power, the state offered firms a bundle of contract options to choose from. There were several motives behind this attitude of the regime, among them the conviction that private property provided important incentives for increasing efficiency.


Part of what people mean by fascism - a partnership between government and industry.

Scholars also noted that big business developed an increasingly close partnership with the Italian Fascist and German fascist governments.

I think we’re gonna need a Seduced By Strasserism PSA because it hasn’t really sunk in amongst the populace even though the subtext of trump’s first campaign was straight up Strasserite Nazism.

Basically, all the socialist lingo doesn’t mean a thing if it’s applied within a racial/ethnic/nationalist heirarchy and caste system. It’s just fash then.

I’m firmly in the camp that the socialist Nazi shit, even the name itself, wasn’t just lip-service and that Strasserism always was and was meant to be an integral part and logical conclusion of Nazism, but that’s neither her nor there. It’s all fash regardless.

So adopt language about seizing industry, but then essentially allowing and supporting it?

It’s dumb to argue about definitions though.

What’s hard to miss though are the similarities to the US. The US war economy that hasn’t ever stopped being at least largely a war economy. The US govt partnership with large industry.

Some people here call all this big government ‘socialism’ and some call it ‘fascism’.


Well yeah, and he also killed one of the Strasser brothers so there’s that too.

I’m just trying to stress that that any non-egalitarian ‘left’ prescription is by definition fash and not left, as a function of its non-egalistarianism, no matter how many times worker’s rights and wealth redistribution are mentioned.


On a related note. There’s an audible version of the abridged Gulag Archipelago narrated by solzhenitsyn’s son. It’s amazing.

There’s two editions. One has an intro by Jordan fucking Peterson, so look for the other one.

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Didn’t know mushroom tacos were a thing, but now they are forever ruined.


I’ve so far refused to read Proudhon because he wanted to kill all the Jews. Was he a socialist?

Turns out I can’t!

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I think this election has officially broken me from the idea of having/raising kids in the us. Pandemic that’s killed hundreds of thousands of people with no end in sight, can’t go anywhere or do anything without wearing a mask, every firm is laying off people and on the brink of collapse, but 70 million people cast a vote to continue with the dude that’s caused all this to happen. We can make excuses for them and humanize them all we want, but there’s nothing out there that guarantees they won’t pull the lever for mass death sometime in the future, arguably, they already have.


Anarcho-socialist, and the way people thread that needle is the antisemitism wasn’t folded into the theory. It was just like… Oh hey, thanks for reading all this about egalitarianism and all of us being equal and what not btw did you know I have an insane hatred of Jews even by regular antisemitic standards? Didn’t see that coming huh? I’m from the 19th century where even the sane people are fucking lunatics.


On /politicalcompassmemes they think nazi’s were auth-center lol


See this is how you do it. This resigning bullshit is full on cowardice. Stay, fight, and call out the bullshit. Anything else makes you complicit imo


+1 to make them fire you and sue them to contest it in the hopes of preventing them from replacing you with a stooge.

Especially now that you only have to drag it out ten weeks.

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Lotta deplorables in the cabinet told themselves that in order to stay in their position.