2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I was trying to imply that current one does convey info—we still haven’t gotten a fucking call.

Or they were right about both?

Fuck you Herschel. Go do another 1,000 push ups you pompous ass.




This is important - looks like ~1k ballots in Allegheny are sequestered for coming in after E-day. Philly isn’t giving those #s but you can extrapolate.

Herschel wants a freeroll. Why go to the replay on that controversial touchdown play? Just go back to the LOS and do the play over again.


An actual Walker quote:

“The hardest thing I had to overcome in life? I think racism. That’s so difficult because I don’t think anyone can ever understand it. It’s not that people don’t want to understand it, but they don’t want to touch it.”



Who the fuck are these people that sent ballots after Tuesday? They must live under a rock to not know they had to mail it prior.


I think this, or some variant of it, is probably what happened.

If you ask the question the other way round - having fixed it in 2016 why wouldn’t Russia try to fix it again? - it looks clearer.

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They sent their ballot on or before Tuesday. The ballot came in after Tuesday - in the contested 3 day grace period.

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It’s incredibly vague unless you are already caught up on infinite nuance. I rail the thread and still don’t get the current title. I concur with zikzak but also understand title naming is an art and there will be mistakes.

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You can’t even have this election done within a week.


I’d donate to the repayment of debt if we get a live cam of Trump in the White House raging.


I think the AG estimated the total number of these “late arriving” legally cast, but contested ballots (lol) at 3-4k ballpark.

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did he though? or did he just record a jingle in spanish and spent $5M promoting it on youtube? and by “he” i mean some campaign consultant who made out like a bandit.

i’ve been staring at dumb misinformation from gop for months now. something about obama not releasing a black man from prison, but trmp did. meanwhile, trmp total commutation of sentences 10, obama 1715.

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seriously dude?

Sounds about right based on Pittsburgh.


LOL these idiots are eating themselves

