2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I should have used past tense.

I dunno about their decision desk but the front page of msnbc.com says Biden leads PA

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Yeah, he’s a young smart guy who speaks well and is not some crazy socialist. Tell me why he should be more prominent than Cory Booker or Julian Castro.

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Wow in California? Shit, Biden be scared. That’s 53 electoral votes.

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Penn is going to be properly razed.



I’m not saying he should. My main thing is he has some great messaging to brand the Dems as the party of freedom and values and family that doesn’t necessarily change our positions, but starts to fight back on some of the bullshit where like the GOP is the American freedom family values prosperity party and the Dems are the Anti-American non-freedom family loathing party to bankrupt you.


It is truly disgraceful to not call PA.

Come the fuck on people, the longer you wait the more time you give insane people to make insane plans.



Crazy how all those Biden voters were going to vote Trump until he was so mean to them.


And lose anther house seat to the GOP? No thanks. Her seat is NOT safe blue.

Also, Newsom will probably pick someone who has won a statewide race before. And is Latino.

My money’s on Alex Padilla or Xavier Becerra (who already has dc experience).

We need more high profile Latinos in the party, as we saw in this election.



MSNBC is showing an address with one lady shouting questions and she won’t fucking shut up. I would tell her to stop being selfish and STFU. Officials in Philly have way more patience for this shit than I do. I’m tilted af right now.

This is my guess. It’s not going to be a progressive we all love, it’s going to be someone more establishment because we want it to be one way, but it’s the other way.


Yeah, this.

Interestingly, I was taking in my daily portion of Fox news when the story on the two dudes with guns going to where they count the ballots in Philly. At least 10 times the reporter says “We have to remember, we don’t know what their intentions were”. LOL. Sure they can say that once. But hammering it like a GOP talking point was hilarious. Not a good hilarious.

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Breaking, Key Race Alert per ABC News: After finishing his mile run in 3:59.4 minutes, we project that Roger Bannister is on pace to break the sub 4 minute mile threshold.


It’s not about establishment vs outsider. It’s about demographics and who can win a statewide race.

And other politics stuff ofc

Grunching. Did NC just go to sleep? No one is talking about it. If I use the NYT numbers the door isnt closed, but I assume the outstanding is much less 283,000 I get by total/% outstanding.