2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I swear, every time I switched it on it was like this



Trump doesnā€™t believe in the US or democracy. He could give two shits.

If someone cuts him a nine figure check he might sort of pretend though.


Fox seems to be hinting they arenā€™t calling until lawsuits are finished lol.

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ā€œBlorgiaā€ sounds like some kind of weird sex act.

@clovis8 ?


The name could use some workshopping.

Fuck the entire state of California. I donā€™t want to hear any more bullshit from you people about the popular vote. Winning NY and CA by 60%+ is the definition of an ego driven win more. Weā€™ve mostly all played games at competitive levels, letā€™s stop pretending like this is a good idea today. The war against the eDems starts now, and the NY and CA Democratic party organizations are basically core parts of the other side.

Apologies in advance to @skydiver8. I love you and Iā€™ll never mean you when I go after the CA dems. Iā€™m also pardoning Pete because Iā€™m hopeful that if and when the wind is blowing our way heā€™ll be there. Plus Iā€™ll be honest those Fox News clips were enough to make me forgive him almost entirely for the M4A thing. Warren would have lost this thing and probably conclusively. The candidates that could have won were Pete, Bernie, Biden,Yang, and probably some of the drop outs definitely not including Kamala. If that list looks sexist you would be absolutely right, Iā€™m adjusting for sexism which means a female candidate has to be significantly better than her male equivalent. Sucks, but itā€™s reality. The first female president will have more than name recognition on her side, and I really doubt sheā€™ll campaign ā€˜as a womanā€™. Sheā€™ll be a ferociously gifted politician and sheā€™ll snatch souls or she wonā€™t win.


Doing the lyrics version instead of a live performance because fuck Charlie Daniels, but Iā€™m still going to be dancing around to this when the Georgia result is official in a few days.

Congratulations America!
As I was born in the same city as the guy Georgia was named for, I claim this small connection to consider myself being a part of this victory. Letā€˜s celebrate!


I hope that after this election weā€˜ll never again have to hear from Bongebob Squarehead.

I ruleā€¦maybe?

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So we want to see Trump under 58% in this Maricopa dump in a few minutes.


Pete needs a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.


Damn it, that was my job before falling asleep!

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Nonsense, Pete will continue to use his custom made weather vane painstakingly handcrafted out of the cash his billionaire sponsors send him.


Yeah but you try singing that to the tune of a well known protest song.


This was me waking up this morning.