2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON



Please don’t use that term. Trump is not right. When you say that you echo his rhetoric and you take his side. You amplify a mistruth that endangers the lives of journalists. If you don’t like the media, try getting a job in it, and you’ll have a better understanding of it. Criticize the media all you want. But please vanquish that “enemy of the people” line. Straight up fascist lie. I think you’re a decent poster much of the time, but this is very offensive to me. Please stop with that.


You would, if the thing being sampled was some natural phenomenon and there weren’t huge teams of highly-paid marketers advocating for each option. But the thing being offered changes in line with what it appears people prefer and is aggressively promoted.

Like, the thing to find odd is if you have two parties with huge marketing teams and one of them’s been at 25% for thirty years. What are they doing, shouldn’t they change it up a bit?

Good morning all.

Let’s do this shit.


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I need a gif of a boot coming down on the Gadsden flag rattlesnake with the slogan “Don’t Trump on me”. Gonna commence trolling on Twitter by implying that I helped Biden cheat.

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It’s not though. We are fading real violence and the media won’t call this for one reason. They are making money off ads. It’s disgusting. People might literally die because of it.

I’m not sure though the Senate is Biden’s fault. The two big losses were Maine and NC. Not sure what he was supposed to do about Collins, and not sure he can be held responsible for Cunningham’s failure to keep it in his pants (or at least wait till after the election).

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Looks like I correctly predicted this one that it would be called once Biden took the lead in the PA vote count!


Au contraire!

Fulton County - +72 Trump. He won the mail-in 669-505.

In other words, PA has by far the worst Fulton County.

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Any Fox News watchers that can report? We are on local station currently and the Mrs has the remote.

I mean CNN has been talking like this is basically over for about 24 hours now. At this point it seems like small 4 digit leads is too narrow to make a decisive call, even though we know the numbers are not improving for Trump.

No one wants to be the first to call it and I don’t blame them. I suspect someone will very soon though.

Honestly I haven’t realized how incredibly angry I have been for the last 5 years until I realized a couple of days ago Trump was going to lose and I didn’t have that feeling to the same extent. The amount of anguish this guy has caused world-wide is enormous. Having him not in a position to hurt people anymore is a massive massive win.



LOL @ CNN having the guy explain how and when they make calls…but not calling PA.


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Need FOX and CNN to call it for betting porpoises

Someone more skilled than I do this plz. Even just a still of a boot on the snake.

I don’t believe you though lol, no way American news has done anything but deteriorate over the last 25 years.